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What Is the Difference Between Leaf Guard and Gutter Helmet?

Leaf guard vs gutter helmet: gutter helmet is more expensive than a leaf guard, but its sturdier design may be worth the extra cost for some homeowners. Leaf guard is less expensive and easier to install, but it doesn’t offer as much protection from heavy rains or large debris. Ultimately, the best gutter guard system for you will depend on your specific needs and budget.

How Do You Fix a Leaking Basement After Heavy Rain?

An interior sealant might be enough to fix basement wall leaks if the cracks are small and leakage is minimal. If there's severe cracking or water leaking into basement after heavy rain despite previous sealing, consider installing an interior drainage system.

How Can I Get Free Window Replacement for My Home?

The Home Repair Loan and Grant program is another option to get the Free Window Replacement Program for low-income families. This program provides both a loan and a grant to those in need. It is a government-administered program.



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